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Boole, George
Brodmann Area
Brodmann, Korbinian
Brodmann's Area

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Dominic John Repici
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Brodmann Area

Brodmann Areas, or Brodmann's Areas, are 52 numbered regions of the brain, which are differentiated based on their cytoarchitectural features. Brodmann areas were originally documented by Korbinian Brodmann. When used they are often shorthanded as BA followed by the number, e.g., "BA17."

# Title Notes/other
1 Primary somatosensory cortex (1 of 3) areas 3,1,2 comprise S1
2 Primary somatosensory cortex (2 of 3) areas 3,1,2 comprise S1
3 Primary somatosensory cortex (3 of 3) areas 3,1,2 comprise S1
...3A . . .A subdivision of BA3 areas 3,1,2 comprise S1
...3B . . .B subdivision of BA3 areas 3,1,2 comprise S1
4 Primary Motor Cortex M1
5 Part of parietle cortext somatosensory association
6 Major part of frontal cortext No layer IV
7 Posterior of superior parietal lobe Spacial relationships: world to body
8 Back part of frontal cortext Frontal eye fields
9 Part of dorsolateral prefrontal cortext Posterior part of frontal lobe
10 Rostral prefrontal cortex Frontopolar part of the frontal cortex
11 Prefrontal area 11 No layer IV
12 Most rostral portion of frontal lobe Very distinct layer IV
13 Posterior of the insular cortex,
14 Embedded within insular cortex Not in humans?
15 On anterior temporal lobe (facing insula) within Sylvian Fissure
16 peripaleocortical claustral/td> Rostral area (more)
17 Occipital region of cerebral cortex Primary visual cortex V1
18 Within occipital lobe, Area occipitalis Secondary visual area, V2
19 Preoccipital cortex striate cortex
20 Most of ventral temporal cortex High-level visual processing (believed)
21 Auditory association straddles 42 21 and 22 are Wernicke's area
22 Auditory association straddles 42 21 and 22 are Wernicke's area
23 Ventral posterior cingulate cortex limbic system integration(?)
24 Ventral anterior cingulate cortex. limbic system integration(?)
25 Subgenual area part of the Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
26 Ectosplenial portion of the retrosplenial region of the cerebral cortex . . .
27 Piriform cortex . . .
28 Ventral entorhinal cortex . . .
29 Retrosplenial cingulate cortex . . .
30 Part of cingulate cortex . . .
31 Dorsal Posterior cingulate cortex . . .
32 Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex . . .
33 Part of anterior cingulate cortex . . .
34 Dorsal entorhinal cortex On the Parahippocampal gyrus
35 Perirhinal cortex In the rhinal sulcus
36 Ectorhinal area Part of the perirhinal cortex (in the rhinal sulcus)
37 Fusiform gyrus . . .
38 Temporopolar area Most rostral part of the superior and middle temporal gyri
39 Angular gyrus part of Wernicke's area?
40 Supramarginal gyrus part of Wernicke's area
41 Auditory cortex BA41 and BA42
42 Auditory cortex BA41 and BA42
43 Primary gustatory cortex . . .
44 Pars opercularis Part of inferior frontal gyrus and part of Broca's area
45 Pars triangularis Part of inferior frontal gyrus and part of Broca's area
46 Dorsolateral prefrontal corte . . .
47 Pars orbitalis Part of the inferior frontal gyrus
48 Retrosubicular area Small part of the medial surface of the temporal lobe
49 Parasubicular area In rodents
52 Parainsular area At the junction of the temporal lobe and the insula

under construction

Also: Brodmann, Korbinian        


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