Here are some related links I have found interesting while surfing the Internet. These have been laying around for a while, so this entry—designed to clear out some cobwebs— may contain some stale data. I've tossed some, but others may be interesting to you, as well.
journal PLoS Computational Biology (open access)
[yt] TEDx Talk on Why We Feel Pain by an Interesting Talker (Lorimer Moseley)
A discussion of how the possibility of pain is transmitted, and how those possibilities are evaluated by the brain when determining whether something should be perceived as pain... or not. I do agree with the basic premise, but not sure about that first example. It would be nice to see some experimental confirmation on that one.
[yt]Davos 2010 - IdeasLab with MIT - Sebastian Seung
Basic instructional re: memory ("contectome" in this vid) vs. genome. I think I follow this guy on twitter.
[yt]Severed Corpus Callosum
A Scientific American (Frontiers) segment with Alan Alda and Dr. Michael Gazzaniga
Slime Mold
This concept is discussed in
the book using a "Seven Step Explanation" (in the chapter on Consciousness). Breaking it down into a pithy statement for you: Adaptation is required to produce neurons — Neurons are NOT required to produce adaptation.